Art by u/Volerblut. Original post here.

Hey everyone! Welcome to this week's blog with the NK team! 

What's been going on this week?

This week's blog comes a day early as the team will be off for the Easter weekend! Don’t worry though as support will remain available! 

BTD Battles 2 received update 1.2 this week to kick off the new season! Adding Benjamin into the mix, Universal XP and a bunch of balance changes! You can see the full update notes here.

BTD6 also got an update this week with update 31.0! A new hero, a new boss and a whole lot more! See the full update notes here. 

52 Done Race Results:
1st: YT: Colt BTD6 - 1 minute and 19 seconds
2nd: bruh 2026 - 1 minute and 20 seconds
3rd: KLTD1234  - 1 minute and 20.3 seconds
4th: easyTBH - 1 minute and 20.3 seconds
5th: Void Termina - 1 minute and 20.8 seconds

This weekend's focus:

- BTD6 - 
Ongoing collection event, ending in next Friday.
Pile O' Monkey Money and T3 Insta Monkeys on sale.
"Shopping Trip" Odyssey, starting on Thursday, ending Tuesday. 
Race this weekend. 
Vortex will be appearing on Cubism this week, ending Thursday. 

- Battles 2 - 
Ongoing Season 4 
Benjamin Holoben Showcase ending in two weeks, with DJ Ben Rap Star Showcase starting. 

- Bloons Pop - 
Friday: Bloons Popper
Saturday: Merge Monkeys
Sunday: Yellow Bloon Popper
Gold Passes, 3rd Canister, Bloonstones, Auto Fast Forward and Vault of Monkey Money on sale. 

- BTD Battles -
Professor Evil appearing this weekend. With a second tougher one starting Tuesday and ending Thursday.
Friday: MOAB - BFB, BFB Boosts Only, BFB Card
Saturday: MOAB, MOAB Card, MOAB Card Club - BFB, BFB Club
Sunday: MOAB, MOAB Card, MOAB R3 Speed - BFB Boosts Only, BFB Random 15
Monday: MOAB, MOAB Boosts Only
2x Medallions with Bag of Medallions and Chest of Medallions on sale.

- BATTD - 
Ongoing Martian games: More regrow, faster regrow and more fortified.
Magic Man, no powers and more regrow starting on Saturday.
Flame Princess Adventure Pack, Jake Adventure Pack and Character Bundle pack on sale.  

- SAS4 Mobile -
VS on Friday, LMS on Saturday and Apoc with black box as rewards on Sunday. 
Sales on nantos, NV vet pack, epic pack and 10th premium gun set: T189, CM Starfury and Banshee

- BTD5 -
Ongoing Monkey Teams, rotating every 3 hours. 
Farm skin and Monkey Money on sale. 

Questions from the comments: 

Can Quincy grow facial hair like his dad (as seen in the trophy store) and he just shaves it or did that skip a generation?
Technically, he can grow a ‘beard’ but it's a very loose definition. 

Why are guns only used by a little amount of monkeys? Do their ammo cause millions of bananas?
The other monkeys believe they’ve found better ways to stop the Bloons

Is Sav the only Ninja Kiwi support member? Me and my friends have only gotten support emails from Savannah.
Nope! We have a team but it is a small one so it's pretty likely to get emails from the same person. :) 

Can i purchase goods in Geraldo's shop using rupees?
I’ve heard the exchange rate is TERRIBLE

This year's Easter is April 17th, But it was announced that the Flash version of SAS4 will end on April 30th. Will there be an Easter event this time?
Yes! This should be up now! 

Are there any plans to implement crafting, which has been highly requested in the mobile / STEAM version of SAS4? If not, why?
It is something the team has looked into but not something we are planning to add at the moment as this would require a huge amount of time and effort. 

Are there any non-MOAB boss bloon in the blooniverse? If so, what does it look like?
The Bosses aren’t really MOABs, they are their own class of rubbery-ness

Why does Sauda have a bandage on her tail? Was she wounded, or is it just her style?
Definitely just style, not an ill judged sword swipe at all ;)

Is anyone on the team jealous of Geraldo's stache?

is cobra coming back?
No is the plainest answer. If there’s anything that evolves from Cobra that fits Battles 2, it will be quite different, be reconceived to fit that game, and not be IAP. There are no plans or designs for this currently.

Was trying to nerf the Glue Rat not an April Fools joke and you actually tried to nerf the rat. If so, were you stopped by the Glue Rat ascending into game code and stopping you from nerfing it despite the patch notes already being out?
Any attempts were slowed down too much

Why doesn't Adora sacrifice Bloons instead of other monkeys to gain XP?
They have the wrong type of XP.

Hello! In a recent announcement on reddit, it was announced there are plans to add a tower creator. Will this be available for mobile?
The tower modifier would be for mobile definitely. 

can you add the banana monkey from Bloons pop in BTD6 as the Banana farms pet
We would love to, one day! 

Who is the shortest hero (apart from psi because they're a child)
Churchill out of his tank

how fluffy are the monkeys
SO fluffy

Are we ever going to get pets for the pets? They too could use some company.
I heard you like pets so I got you a pet for your pet! (But no, probably not)

Since we got paragons, does that mean we will never get t6s or a fourth path?
It’s pretty unlikely at this stage! 

What is the fastest recorded speed of a bloon?
So fast you never see it coming

I would like to know the names for Bloonarius and Lych since Vortex is the speedy boi please. Hopefully something that also ends with ‘boi’.
Big boi and scary boi. 

Will there be any compensation for people who have bought stuff in SAS 4 flash over the past few months. I personally spent loads of nk coins on sas 4 the week before it was announced that it was going away and 1 month does not really much time of notice. Will I be able to get stuff in the mobile version or something.
Contact support and we’ll see if we can help!

What hero has the best origin story?
Ezili but it's a secret

What do the other monkeys think of Gwen's grilling?
A bit too much charcoal 

Would Geraldo make a good door-to-door salesman?

What boss bloon does the spirit of the forest fear most?
Lych so scary

What would happen if the bloons gave up?
World peace

Now that we have 14 heroes, can we finally hope for a "Heroes Only" mode? I'm pretty sure we have enough heroes to cover all kinds of bloons.
We love the hero designs and personalities, and the mechanic of ranking up in game works well alongside towers that you need to actively upgrade. Double Crossbow Masters, co-op, and initial designs for the Academy that we’ve since moved away from are all ways to see more heroes in action together. Our biggest concern with a heroes mode would be the minute to minute fun factor - there are ways to address it (slowing down XP and forcing you to spend upgrade, map elements that you have to spend on) but those feel like they would end up being narrow options strategically. We’ll keep thinking about it, though - thanks for the question!

is it true NK Archive gonna stop working because i spent so much time grinding this.
Only a handful of our games will not be supported anymore but the Archive will still work!

I just realized that the four original boss Bloons had powers relating to Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind! Does that mean that the monkeys and Bloons lived in harmony before the Blastpoplous Nation attacked?
Seems like a reasonable hypothesis…

Out of Geraldo and Striker, who has the better Moustache? Are there ever arguments about it?
Constantly, we had to get them to agree to both having great ones of different styles… 

Have a great weekend and happy gaming!

- Ninja Kiwi Team